
LUG Telkom University

Hari ini 24 April 2020, Indonesia terkena pandemi COVID-19 berimbas kepada seluruh aktifitas rakyat Indonesia menjadi #dirumahsaja. Kesempatan ini saya gunakan untuk beres beres blog, terutama beberapa account blogspot yang saya pegang. Diantaranya adalah Blog LUG-STTTelkom ini, yang ga lama berubah menjadi LUG-ITTelkom dan sekarang jagi LUG Telkom University. Saya ga tau apakah di Telkom sana masih ada Linux User Group ataukah sudah punah :D Bagi member LUG Tekom University yang memang masih ada dan exist di kampus. Saya cuma bisa ngasih semangat aja. Semoga LUG bisa terus ada di kampus. Jakarta 2020 ditengah pandemin Covid-19 Indra Z

lug ittelkom on the move

gambar diatas diambil pada saat gutsy release party di stttelkom bandung yang telah berubah nama menjadi ittelkom. dapat dilihat beberapa penampakan manusia yang merupakan aset lama dari sisa kejayan LUG stttelkom masa silam. akan kah LUG stttelkom kembali berjaya :p tobe continued...

what's new today...

need to find packages for your linux box : suse : slack : mandriva : how to make ntfs partition avaliable to all user : add this line to your /etc/fstab /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0 new guide link : learn new shortcut today : Ctrl + Alt + + Switch to the next resolution in the X Window System. This works if you've configured more than one resolution for your X server. Note that you must use the + in your numpad. Ctrl + Alt + - Switch to the previous X resolution. Use the - in your numpad. more shortcut :

how to install oracle XE on debian box (trial)

First you need to add your swap by doing this : dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/net/tmpswp bs=1k count=500000 chmod 600 tmpswp mkswap tmpswp turn on your swap by typing this : swapon tmpswp check how many swap that you got by : grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo put the proxy on if you have a proxy on your network : /etc/apt/apt.conf Add this to your sources.list and update: deb unstable main non-free now let install the oracle... get the list of packages first... apt-get update then install the library needed apt-get install libaio the last one you are ready to install the oracle apt-get install oracle-xe you are done installing oracle on my side.. :p but its look like there is something missing... try to look the other reference on google ok.. :p thanks...

iptables untuk transparant proxy

mau bagi2x dikit tentang iptables untuk transparant proxy =================== iptables -F iptables -F -t nat iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j SNAT --to-source iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to =================== by : Net_ and kichung

Flash Player 9 For Linux (x86)

This is it. This is the officially blessed version of the Adobe Flash Player 9 for Linux (x86). Not a beta version; the final version. It''s released. Today. Go get it. Schlaegel writes ''The official Adobe Linux Flash blog has announced that Flash player for x86 Linux is now final and no longer beta. Every x86 Linux user, at least those willing to load binary software, can rejoice and no longer feel like a second rate citizen. Distribution packages are also available, for example the Macromedia Fedora repository already has the flash player marked for update.'' Sumber :

perang desktop

lagee perang desktop nii... gabung aja ke di tunggu loe... ini salah satu hasil nya... hehe....